Our mission is simple: an holistic approach to your well-being is the best way to optimum health. Train smart, eat well and rest!
The expert team at the Field begin the journey back to full movement and function by raising their clientsʼ understanding of how their bodies work while paying close attention to correct alignment, posture and form.
Ultimately, we work as optimal movement coaches, restoring the natural abilities we are meant to have. We prioritise full and free joint mobility and flexibility, but always hand-in-hand with joint stability, whole body strength and co-ordination. Strength is essential in order to not only meet the challenges of a full and vibrant life, but to flow and adapt to them.
To that end, the Field is a space adaptable to many different kinds of movement, all with one common mission: completing the journey to optimal health so the body can function to its best capacity! The Field employs some of the UKʼs best personal trainers using methods from the worldʼs leading fitness experts, such as Charles Poliquin, Paul Chek, Joseph Pilates and Scott Sonnon. We also house one of Londonʼs best equipped Classical Pilates studios. The Field is the only venue in London to offer workshops, teaching training certification and continuing education in the ultimate system for functional health in all planes of movement, CST – Circular Strength Training and TACFIT.